It’s about giving …

December 18, 2007 at 4:17 pm Leave a comment

I don’t like the spotlight. At all. So, as I started to write for today, it occurred to me that yesterday’s post didn’t hit the mark for me in terms of what I want this blog to be about. Ultimately it’s about learning, sharing, laughing in whatever form or manner that happens. Yesterday was not a good “us” kind of day. I made it about me and I wish I hadn’t.

As I regain perspective today, the lesson was costly, but I am still here kicking and screaming. And as long as I am, I will not let anyone take away my spirit. It’s about giving. This morning on my way to work, I gave all my change to the Salvation Army at the grocery store. When the little girl wanted to ride one of those mechanical rides outside the grocery and her mom didn’t have any money, I gave her some. To be able to give was a wonderful feeling and made my troubles melt away. So, I have decided to do what I can toward resolving my costly lesson but not at the expense of those special in my life. All the presents I unwrapped last night so I could take them back? Anissa will happily re-wrap them tonight (and since I LOVE to wrap presents, it’s a treat for me too).

Will I get the money back that was scammed from me? Maybe not. Will it hurt some of my future plans? Yes. But I am making some lemonade with my lemons and it feels a lot better than crying, being depressed, and shunning the world out of fear. My wish for everyone is to think about what and who you hold dear. Now go tell them!

Entry filed under: holidays. Tags: , , , .

Tis the season for thieves …. PC vs. MAC

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December 2007